June 16, 2015
Knowing when to write work instructions and what to put into them are often struggles that hinder people from implementing a quality management system (QMS). Since ISO 9001 does not specify how you must structure your documentation, this decision is largely left up to you, but there are some best practices that can be taken into account when creating your work instructions.
I have said this many times, but it bears repeating: it is not always necessary or even wise to create documentation on everything. I was watching a webcast presentation from Mark Ames recently, where he demonstrated how people often get it wrong when deciding what to document. Looking at three processes that have low, medium, and high complexity and risk, people tend to think that the higher the complexity and risk, the more need there is for documented procedures. This turns out to be the opposite. The examples given were:
So, really ask yourself if you need to write down the procedure you are documenting, or if you would be better with a trained operator who can think and react to problems. If you do indeed decide it is best to write down your work instructions, the first step is in researching what you need to say to direct the work of your employees.
In the article 7 steps in writing policies and procedures for ISO 9001, I talked about the steps used for policies and procedures to define the information to document, get approval for the document, and train relevant employees. These seven steps helped to make sure that you gathered the appropriate information for your document and made sure it was aligned with the other documentation of your QMS.
For work instructions, these steps to gather this information to put in the document are valid, but there are a few more things to consider during this process:
There is no “right” structure for work instructions; there is only a best fit for the people in your organization. Once you have found the structure that works for you, make sure that everyone understands how to use it and equally importantly, why you have chosen these work instructions to document.
One last thing to ensure is that people know how to suggest improvements and changes in work instructions. One of the risks of documented work instructions is that they can hamper improvements if people are afraid to change the documentation; and, to get the best out of your QMS, you want to make improving easy. After all, improvement is one of the main reasons to have a QMS in the first place.
To find out what documentation is required by ISO 9001 and what is commonly used, see this white paper on Mandatory Documentation Required by ISO 9001:2008.