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General Terms and Conditions of Use & Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 15, 2023

These General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy ("Terms", "Terms of Use") regulate the use of all web pages constituting the Advisera, Conformio and Experta websites owned by Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd ("Advisera", "us", "we", or "our"), available at domains,, and their respective subdomains (the "Websites"), as well as mutual rights and obligations regarding provision and use of services, products, materials, functionalities and other content available through the Websites.

These Terms apply to all users of the Websites. By accessing or using the Websites for the first time, the user acknowledges its contents, and fully understands and agrees to the rights and obligations arising from the use of services, products, materials, functionalities and other content available through the Websites. If you do not accept any of these Terms, please do not use the Websites.

Specific terms may also apply to the use of certain services, products, materials, functionalities and other content available through the Websites, of which the users shall be informed in an appropriate manner.

We reserve the right to modify or append the Terms, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, of which all users shall be duly informed by means of an appropriate notice on the Websites. You are obliged to review the Terms periodically, in order to check for possible modifications or additions. By using the Websites after modifications or additions to these Terms have been made, you fully acknowledge, understand and accept the content thereof. Furthermore, we reserve the right to modify the content, design or location of the Websites, as well as the services, products, materials, functionalities and other content available through the Websites, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice. We cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to users or third parties related to the above described modifications.


The following services, products, materials, functionalities and contents are available to users through the Websites: cloud-based software-as-a-service, training, presentations, quizzes, forums, articles, templates, news and other content ("Content(s)").

The Websites contains Advisera’s own Content, as well as the Content of users, Advisera’s partners and third parties.

We shall make every available effort to ensure constant availability of the Websites, as well as constant and unhindered access to the Contents available through the Websites, as regulated by these Terms, and possible specific terms applicable to the use of certain Content or separate web pages within the Websites.

Prohibited Content

It is prohibited to publish, transmit, upload or exchange any content violating the current laws of the Republic of Croatia and European Union, particularly the content that is untrue, deceptive, offensive, vulgar, threatening, racist or chauvinist, the content violating intellectual property rights, the content considered as unauthorized disclosure of personal data or as violation of the right of privacy of users or third parties, as well as any other content which may cause damage to Advisera, other users or third parties ("Prohibited Content").

Interactive Content

The Websites contains web pages and sections intended for interaction with or between users in a manner which enables transmitting, uploading, publishing, exchanging and mutual use of information, comments, reviews, recommendations, opinions, attitudes and other possible content, as well as other ways of participating in the functionalities, services and other content available through the Websites (hereinafter: Interactive Content). Access to some parts of the Interactive Content, their provision or use are granted only to registered users. Interactive content shall be duly marked, whenever this is enabled by the manner of its publication or use.

The publication of Interactive Content on the Websites does not mean that we endorse, approve, recommend, promote or in any other way support the information, statements or facts, attitudes, opinions, or conclusions contained therein.

We reserve the right to supervise Interactive Content that is publicly available, as far as this is possible given the manner of its publication and use. However, we shall not control or consistently supervise all Interactive Content and therefore we cannot guarantee the accuracy, truthfulness, origin, contents or availability thereof.

For any comments or information regarding the Interactive Content, please contact Advisera support. We are obligated to remove any illegal Interactive Content immediately upon receipt of the corresponding notice. Furthermore, we reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to change, remove or refuse to publish any Interactive Content, completely or partially, without prior notice and without explanation, based on our own assessment or on information received by any user or third party, due to any reason, but primarily due to violation of these Terms.

In consequence of the above, we cannot be held responsible for possible damage caused to users or third parties regarding publishing or failure to publish, removing, using, or relying on any Interactive Content.

Links to third party websites

The Websites contain links to other websites owned by Advisera, as well as to third party websites ("Links"). The Links shall be duly marked, whenever this is enabled by the manner of their publication or use.

The publication of Links on the Websites does not mean that we endorse, approve, recommend, promote or in any other way support the information, statements or facts, attitudes, opinions, or conclusions contained therein.

We shall not control or supervise content available through the Links and therefore we cannot guarantee the accuracy, truthfulness, origin, contents, or availability thereof.

For any comments or information regarding the Links please contact Advisera support. We are obligated to remove any Link containing or referring to Prohibited Content immediately upon receipt of the corresponding notice. Furthermore, we reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to remove any Link, without prior notice and without explanation, based on our own assessment or on information received by any user or third party, for any reason, but primarily due to violation of these Terms.

In consequence of the above, we cannot be held responsible for possible damage caused regarding publishing, removing, or using any Link, or relying on any content available via the Link.

Advertising on the Websites

Any advertising content shall always be marked as such. Publication of advertising content on the Websites does not mean that we endorse, approve, recommend, promote, or in any other way support the advertisers, their products or services.

The advertisers are independent entrepreneurs with whom mutual rights and obligations regarding advertising on the Websites are regulated through separate contracts. Therefore, we are not involved in any possible relationship you may establish with the advertisers regarding their advertising content available through the Websites. Any rights and obligations arising from such relationships shall be regulated directly with the corresponding advertiser. Also, for any comments or information related to advertising please contact the advertiser directly.

Since we do not control or supervise content available through advertisements, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, truthfulness, origin, content or availability thereof. However, we shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that advertising effectuated through the Websites does not contain any Prohibited Content. Therefore, we reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to remove any advertising content, without prior notice and without explanation, based on our own assessment or on information received by any user or third party, due to any reason, but primarily due to violation of these Terms.

We are obliged to remove any advertising content which contains or represents Prohibited Content immediately upon receipt of the corresponding notice sent to the contact address published on the Websites.

In consequence of the above, we cannot be held responsible for possible damage arising from publishing or removing any advertisement or relying on any content thereof.

Contests, sweepstakes and promotions

Any contests, sweepstakes or other promotions (collectively, "Promotions") made available through the Websites may be governed by rules that are separate from these Terms. If you participate in any Promotions, please review the applicable rules as well as our Privacy Policy. If the rules for a Promotion conflict with these Terms, the Promotion rules will apply.


It is not allowed (hereinafter: Prohibited Practices):

  • to use the Websites or content available through the Websites in a manner which may cause damage to Advisera, other users or any third party;
  • to publish, upload, exchange or transmit Prohibited Content;
  • to publish, upload, exchange or transmit any content that the user knows to be false or untrue, or has justifiable reason to believe it to be false or untrue, and whose use may cause damage to Advisera, other users or third parties;
  • to misrepresent yourself with the purpose of deceiving Advisera, other users or third parties;
  • to publish, upload, exchange or transmit to Advisera, other users or third parties any unwanted notices or other content of commercial or malicious nature, without prior request or consent, particularly including notices and other content of the same or similar nature;
  • to purposefully publish, upload, exchange or transmit any content containing computer viruses, worms, and programs that may obstruct or hinder regular operation of the Websites, cause damage or destruction of any computer program, or any computer and other equipment owned by Advisera, other users or third parties;
  • to collect, process or use personal data of the Websites users or third parties in an unauthorized manner;
  • to engage in overt or covert advertising (verbal or graphic representation of products, services, personal names, names of companies, names, trademarks (registered or unregistered trademarks and service marks), businesses etc.) in an unauthorized manner.

Users or third parties shall be legally liable for failure to comply with the provisions of these Terms related to Prohibited Practices or Prohibited Content, particularly for possible damage caused by such actions to Advisera, other users and/or third parties.

We reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to cancel a user account as a result of the user’s Prohibited Practices or other unlawful behavior, or any violation of these Terms that we assess as grave, without prior notice and without explanation, according to our own assessment or information provided by any user or third party.

In consequence of the above, we cannot be held responsible for possible damage incurred to the user, other users or third parties, caused by Prohibited Practices or cancellation of the user account in accordance with the provision in the previous paragraph.

User registration

Access to Contents available through the Websites and the use thereof is available primarily to registered users. Access to some information, functionalities, services and other content available through the Websites, or their partial or full use, is granted to unregistered users. Any reference to users made in these Terms includes both registered and unregistered users.

As defined by the provisions of these Terms, any natural person who fills out the electronic registration form during initial login to the system may register and is considered a registered user of the Websites.

In order to register, the user must acknowledge all here stated registration rules, perform the registration procedure, provide accurate, complete and true data and choose a username and password. You may not use as a username the name of another person or entity or that is not lawfully available for use, a name or trademark that is subject to any rights of another person or entity other than you without appropriate authorization, or a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene. Such usernames shall be deleted without prior notice. User registration is possible only with unconditional acceptance of these Terms and with the consent for collection and use of personal data in accordance with the legal provisions in force and the provisions of the Privacy Policy that is part of these Terms. By completing the registration process every user receives his/her own user account.

You are responsible for safeguarding the authentication information, including password, that you use to access the Websites, and for any activities or actions under your authentication information, whether your authentication information is with our Websites or a third-party service.

You agree not to disclose your authentication information to any third party. You must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.

Termination of registration does not remove your liability for possible violations and/or damage inflicted during the validity period of your registration. By registering you agree to receive notices related to administration or your use of the Websites and its Content, released by Advisera, and legal or natural persons appointed, engaged or authorized by Advisera.


We may terminate or suspend your account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

Upon termination, your right to use the Websites will immediately cease. If you wish to terminate your account, you may simply discontinue using the Websites.


In the event that you or Advisera obtain access to the confidential information of the other party in the course of using the Websites, the party obtaining such information shall maintain the confidentiality of such information in the same manner it maintains the confidentiality of its own similar confidential information, but in no event with less than reasonable care.

While providing expert support and review of completed documents Advisera shall maintain the confidentiality of the information provided. Expert review of the completed documents can be accomplished in one of the following ways:

  • by sending the completed documents via e-mail to our expert for review;
  • by providing secure remote access for our expert to your file hosting service where the expert can remotely access the documents and review them.

Content available through the Websites in any form, especially that in the form of documents, templates, lessons, quizzes, photographs, images, drawings, diagrams, charts, audio and visual materials, etc., are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights according to the legal provisions in force.

Users are held responsible for possible violation of copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the Contents.

The Websites contain names of natural and legal persons, names of products or services, trademarks, logos, pictures, graphics and other content subject to the protection of intellectual property rights (hereinafter: Protected Content) held by Advisera and/or third parties. Access to or use of the Websites or the Contents does not grant any license, right to use, right to exploit, or any other right related to Protected Content, except to the extent and in the manner explicitly specified in the provisions of these Terms or a corresponding separate contract.

It is not allowed:

  • to download, reproduce, copy, distribute, lease, provide for use, publish, communicate to unauthorized third parties or general public, or use Content in any other way for commercial purposes, without written consent previously granted by Advisera;
  • to alter, modify, edit, translate, or create derived works from any Content available through the Websites for commercial purposes, without written consent previously granted by Advisera;
  • to use Content available through the Websites for purposes related to selling or offering for sale, advertising or promotion of any product or service by any person.

If we independently discover a violation of copyright and/or other intellectual property rights, trade secret or other rights of users or third parties, or any other violation of these Terms, or if we are informed by a user or third party of any such violation, or if we receive a request for the removal of a Content, Link, Protected Content or Interactive Content, we shall immediately take all necessary measures to establish grounds for such request and elimination of possible violation.

Specifically, if we independently discover, learn or receive a corresponding request related to a Content, Link or Protected Content, we shall be willing to cooperate with the alleged owner of the intellectual property right, or request submitter; the owner of the rights and the request submitter shall agree to cooperate with us bona fide for the purpose of establishing relevant facts and undertaking measures for the elimination of the alleged violation. We reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to remove the Content, Link or Protected Content in dispute from the Websites, based on our own assessment and until the dispute has been finalized.

If the corresponding information or request relate to Interactive Content, the submitter and the user who published, transmitted, uploaded or in any other way made available through the Websites the Interactive Content in dispute, shall provide all necessary information and explanations concerning the request or the Interactive Content. If we establish that the request in dispute is valid (e.g. on the basis of a final judicial decision or valid settlement), the Interactive Content in dispute shall be removed from the Websites without delay. Also, we reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation to remove the Interactive Content in dispute from the Websites, and cancel the user account of the user concerned, without prior notice and without explanation, based on our own assessment and until the dispute has been finalized.

Providing Interactive Content

By transmitting, uploading, enabling access, exchanging or providing personal Interactive Content in any other way through publicly available part of the Websites, the user authorizes Advisera to publish or not publish on the Websites the Interactive Content concerned or to remove it from the Websites, based on Advisera’s assessment, without further permission and without specific copyright or other compensation. When publishing their Interactive Content, the user is entitled to request that their name and/or last name, username or other corresponding nickname be or not be shown, and that their published Interactive Content be removed at any particular moment and due to any reason.

Furthermore, the user authorizes Advisera and every other registered user to use the Interactive Content published on the publicly available part of the Websites for any purpose, including further reproduction and distribution to other users or third parties in any form (oral, written or electronic), in any way, by any means and in any manner, in the original or derived form (abbreviated, appended, translated into another language, or edited, adapted or processed in any other way), without separate further approval and without copyright or other compensation. However, Advisera cannot be held responsible for actions performed by other users or third parties with respect to the Interactive Content provided by the user for publication through the Websites.

In case the user does not agree with possible editing changes of the Interactive Content made by Advisera, he/she shall inform Advisera of the disagreement. If Advisera, based on its own assessment, should decide that the Interactive Content in dispute is for any reason inappropriate for publication on the Websites in its original form, the changed Interactive Content shall be removed, and publication of the original shall be denied.

The user’s refusal to permit publication, editing, use, reproduction or distribution of his/her Interactive Content for the purpose, in the manner and under the conditions specified in these Terms must be explicitly stated when providing the Content for publication through the Websites. Advisera reserves the right, but does not assume the obligation, to publish any such Interactive Content with restrictions defined by the providing user or to refuse to publish it based on its own assessment and without explanation.

If Advisera, other users or third parties want to use specific Interactive Content for a purpose, under conditions or in a manner not explicitly allowed on the basis of these Terms, they may request special permission from the owner who provided the said Interactive Content.

User warranties

By providing Interactive Content for publication through the Websites the user warrants:

  • that he/she is the author of the Content, or owner of corresponding copyrights and/or other intellectual property rights acquired legally, and that he/she is authorized to enable publication, editing, use, reproduction, or distribution of the Interactive Content for the purpose, in the manner and under the conditions specified in these Terms;
  • that the Interactive Content is provided for publication through the Websites bona fide, and that the provision, publication and subsequent use of the Content in accordance with these Terms shall not in any way violate the rights of Advisera, other users or third parties, including in particular the copyright and/or other intellectual property rights, trade secret, reputation, honor and dignity, privacy, family life, other rights of privacy, and any other rights protected by legal provisions in force, nor shall it inflict damage, either tangible, intangible, direct, or indirect;
  • that the Interactive Content is complete, true, accurate, etc. to his/her own best knowledge and belief;
  • that he/she shall protect Advisera from all possible requests by other users or third parties submitted to Advisera against the violation of the here stated user warranties, particularly against the violation of intellectual property, trade secret, right of privacy and any other rights with respect to the provided Interactive Content, including indemnity requests; Advisera shall immediately inform the user of the submission of any such request;
  • that he/she shall make full compensation to Advisera, other users and/or third parties for damages and costs (including legal representation costs and judicial costs) incurred by the violation of the warranties specified here.


In no event shall Advisera, its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (i) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the Websites, products and services; (ii) any conduct or content of any third party on the Websites; (iii) any content obtained from the Websites; and (iv) unauthorized access, use or alteration of your transmissions or content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence) or any other legal theory, whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damage, and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.

Your use of the Websites and products is at your sole risk. The Websites and the Products are provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. The Websites are provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or course of performance.

Advisera, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and its licensors do not warrant that a) the Websites and the products will function uninterrupted, secure or available at any particular time or location; b) any errors or defects will be corrected; c) the Websites are free of viruses or other harmful components; or d) the results of using the Websites and the products will meet your requirements.

We limit our liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, for damages arising from any cause whatsoever to the maximum amount of money (1) that you paid for a service and/or product, or other content, or (2) to USD 1,000.00 if Rule (1) is not applicable due to the nature of the violation, damage, compensation, or other circumstance.


Communication and disclosure of personal data to third parties

Your personal data will be hosted and stored using services like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, GoToWebinar, Zoom, WPEngine, and HubSpot on servers that are located in the European Union and the United States, as well as other countries which might not have the adequacy decision of the European Union; other third-party contractors may have access to your data only for the purpose specified in the following section – the access of such third parties is strictly controlled.

Whenever we are sending data to countries that are not providing the same level of protection as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are going to use appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data, including but not limited to Standard Contractual Clauses for Processors.

Your personal data (including your email) will never be shared with any third parties for marketing purposes.

Which personal data do we collect?

Types of data that we collect for specified purposes are your name, phone number, job role, country of residence, IP address, email address, and other data that is specified in the Privacy Notice displayed next to every form where we collect your personal data.

Purpose and manner of personal data collection and use

Advisera collects and processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and other regulations in force in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union.

Your personal data are processed only on the basis of your approval and free and express consent to process your personal data for the purposes related to the use of the Content and the Products available through the Websites. Your consent for the collection and processing of your personal data for a given purpose shall be requested when completing the appropriate form published on the Websites.

Your personal data shall be used in order to provide Content and Products, reply to queries concerning the Content and Products available on the Websites, inform you about existing and new content, products, materials, functionalities, services, and other offers that may interest you, and in order to improve the quality of the Content and the Websites. You will find a precise disclosure of the purpose of collecting your personal data in the Privacy Notice displayed next to every form where we collect your personal data.

All collected data are electronically stored, and appropriate measures and procedures are applied in order to prevent unauthorized access, maintain the level of personal data protection, and use the data collected online in an appropriate manner.

Even though we take all appropriate measures to ensure against unauthorized disclosure of your personal data, we cannot guarantee that some of the collected personal data shall never be disclosed in a manner that is not in accordance with these Terms. Accidental disclosure may be, for example, a consequence of false misrepresentation when accessing websites that contain such data, with the purpose of correcting possible errors in the data. Our liability shall be limited, to the fullest extent permitted by law, for any damage caused to users or third parties relating to accidental disclosure of personal data.

Processing of personal data in Conformio

We are the processor when handling your personal data in Conformio – for our obligations, see these Conformio Data Processing & Security Terms.

Collection and processing of personal data by other users or third parties

The Websites contain Interactive Content and may contain Links to third-party websites, through which other users or third parties may gain authorized or unauthorized access to your personal data. These Terms do not apply to the collection, processing or use of personal data that you communicate to other users and/or third parties. It is in your best interest to acquaint yourself with the rules of personal data protection, and the protection of privacy applied by other users and/or third parties. Since we cannot control the data you provide when accessing or using the Interactive Content, Links or third-party websites, or in other circumstances in which you communicate your personal data to other users and/or third parties, we shall not be liable for any damage caused to you, other users and/or third parties, arising from the fact that you communicated your personal data, in relation to the use of the Websites.

Modification and deletion of personal data

You are legally entitled to request modification or deletion of your personal data, or deletion from the registered user database at any time. Modification or deletion of data shall be effected on the basis of an appropriate notice addressed to the contact identified on the Websites.


We reserve the right to use cookies.

A cookie is a group of data serving as your anonymous individual identifier that is sent to your browser by websites. Cookies are sent when you access a website, they are stored in your computer and they serve to record information about your subsequent online visits. Therefore, after a cookie has been stored on your computer during your first access to a website, every time you return to the website it will look for its cookie in order to read the stored data.

Since a cookie is an anonymous individual identifier, it does not contain or send any personal information to the website that stored it on your computer, but only enables faster and more efficient activation of information, data and settings previously communicated during access and use of the website.

Your browser is set in such a way that each website can only access its own previously sent cookies, but not the cookies of other websites.

The Options or Settings menu of your browser allows you to select an appropriate option for receiving cookies, even to disable them completely. However, disabling cookies completely will reduce the efficiency of some content available on some websites.

Retention time

Any personal data held by us for marketing and service update notifications will be kept by us until such time that you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information.

We will keep your data in Conformio during the time your subscription is active and for 90 days after you cancel the subscription. After this period, your data will be irreversibly deleted. Your data can also be deleted upon your request before the 90-day period ends.

Your rights

You can unsubscribe from any type of Advisera’s email messages by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of an email.

Should you believe that any personal data we hold on you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request to see this information, rectify it, or have it deleted. To exercise these rights, please contact our support team.

In the event that you wish to lodge a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, please contact our support team. We will then look into your complaint and work with you to resolve the matter.

If you still feel that your personal data has not been handled appropriately according to the law, you can contact the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency and file a complaint with them.


Age Requirements

You must be at least 18 years of age to use Experta chatbot.

Use Restrictions

You should not input into the conversation with the chatbot or in the feedback form any personal or sensitive information, including names, addresses, email addresses, confidential company data, etc.

You are not allowed to use Experta chatbot to develop machine learning models or related technology.

You are not allowed to use Experta chatbot for providing commercial services to third parties.


Experta chatbot may display inaccurate information that doesn't represent Advisera's position on the subject.

Think carefully before depending on, or using the content provided by Experta chatbot.

Do not rely only on Experta chatbot for professional advice. Any content regarding compliance is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional.


Document/documentation sold via the Websites is protected by copyright held by Advisera.

Upon payment, Advisera grants you a non-exclusive, permanent, limited right to use the document/documentation worldwide, exclusively in the manner expressly specified here. All rights which are not expressly granted here are reserved.

You are authorized to use the document/documentation for any purpose, but exclusively for the needs of your business, in any way that is in accordance with the granted rights, to copy the document/documentation, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, temporary or permanently, by any means and in any form, as well as to translate it into other languages, to adapt, edit or in any other way modify the document/documentation.

It is expressly prohibited to use the document/documentation commercially for any purpose or for any need not directly related to your internal business. It is particularly prohibited to lease or distribute the original or copies of the document/documentation by selling or otherwise, or offering them with the intention of selling, as well as to print, publish, and make available to the public, through wired or wireless systems, by enabling unauthorized third persons to access the documents from places and at times of their own choosing (e.g. internet publishing), without previously obtaining written consent from Advisera.

You are not authorized to transfer your rights to associated or non-associated legal or natural third persons, including your affiliate companies, or to grant any such third persons any right to use the document/documentation without written consent previously granted by Advisera.



If you wish to purchase any product or service made available through the Websites ("Purchase"), you may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your Purchase including, without limitation, your credit card number, the expiration date of your credit card, and your billing address, and your shipping information.

You represent and warrant that: (i) you have the legal right to use any credit card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any Purchase; and that (ii) the information you supply to us is true, correct and complete.

By submitting such information, you grant us the right to provide the information to third parties for purposes of facilitating the completion of Purchases.

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order at any time for certain reasons including but not limited to: product or service availability, errors in the description or price of the product or service, error in your order or other reasons.

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order if fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is suspected.

Purchases in installments

Some online exams can be purchased in installments. If you pass the exam before you pay the last installment, you will receive a temporary certificate valid until the due date of the last installment. Once you pay the last installment for the online exam, we will issue the final certificate for the passed exam.

You are obliged to pay all the installments; otherwise, we reserve the right to cancel your participation in the workshop or exam and/or to revoke your certificate.


Some products and services in the Websites are billed on a subscription basis ("Subscription(s)"). You will be billed in advance on a recurring and periodic basis ("Billing Cycle"). Billing cycles are set either on a monthly or annual basis, depending on the type of subscription plan you select when purchasing a Subscription.

At the end of each Billing Cycle, your Subscription will automatically renew under the exact same conditions unless you cancel it or Advisera cancels it. You may cancel your Subscription renewal either through your online account management page or by contacting the Advisera customer support team.

A valid payment method, including credit card or PayPal, is required to process the payment for your Subscription. You shall provide Advisera with accurate and complete billing information including full name, address, state, zip code, telephone number, and a valid payment method information. By submitting such payment information, you automatically authorize Advisera to charge all Subscription fees incurred through your account to any such payment instruments.

Should automatic billing fail to occur for any reason, Advisera will issue an electronic invoice indicating that you must proceed manually, within a certain deadline date, with the full payment corresponding to the billing period as indicated on the invoice.

Fee Changes

Advisera, in its sole discretion and at any time, may modify the Subscription fees for the Subscriptions. Any Subscription fee change will become effective at the end of the then-current Billing Cycle.

Advisera will provide you with a reasonable prior notice of any change in Subscription fees to give you an opportunity to terminate your Subscription before such change becomes effective.

Your continued use of the Websites after the Subscription fee change comes into effect constitutes your agreement to pay the modified Subscription fee amount.

Free trial

Advisera may, at its sole discretion, offer a Subscription with a free trial for a limited or unlimited period of time ("Free Trial").

You may be required to enter your billing information in order to sign up for the Free Trial.

If you do enter your billing information when signing up for the Free Trial, you will not be charged by Advisera until the Free Trial has expired. On the last day of the Free Trial period, unless you cancelled your Subscription, you will be automatically charged the applicable Subscription fees for the type of Subscription you have selected.

At any time and without notice, Advisera reserves the right to (i) modify the terms and conditions of the Free Trial offer, or (ii) cancel such Free Trial offer.


We are constantly updating our offerings of products and services on the Websites. The products or services available on our Websites may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, and we may experience delays in updating information on the Websites and in our advertising on other web sites.

We cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, including prices, product images, specifications, availability, and services. We reserve the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice.


Online Courses and Trainings

We do not offer any refunds once the order for taking the exam has been placed and you have taken the exam, regardless of whether you have passed the exam or not. However, there are circumstances that would allow us to offer you a refund for your purchased examination within a period of 90 days after the purchase, and they are as follows: (1) you were not able to access the exam due to technical failure on the Websites, (2) you were not able to finish the examination due to technical failure on the Websites, or (3) you didn’t access the examination within 90 days after the purchase. If you ask for a refund without accessing the examination, we will refund you the exam fee, but we will apply a US$ 30.00 refund fee.

For online workshops, you can reschedule the workshop under the following circumstances:

  • If you reschedule at least 2 days prior to the workshop date, we will charge a US$ 30.00 fee to reschedule the workshop.
  • If you reschedule less than 2 days before the workshop date, we will charge a US$ 150.00 fee to reschedule the workshop.

For online workshops, you can cancel the workshop under the following circumstances:

  • 2 days prior to the workshop date, and you will receive a 90% refund.
  • No refund will be given if you cancel the workshop less than 2 days before, or if you do not attend the workshop without prior notice.

For Live Virtual Trainings, you can reschedule the training under the following circumstances:

  • If you reschedule at least 2 days prior to the training date, we will charge a US$ 30.00 fee to reschedule the training;
  • If you reschedule less than 2 days before the training date, we will charge a US$ 90.00 fee to reschedule the training.

For Live Virtual Trainings, you can cancel the training under the following circumstances:

  • 2 days prior to the workshop date, and you will receive a 90% refund.
  • No refund will be given if you cancel the workshop less than 2 days before, or if you do not attend the workshop without prior notice.

All decisions on refunds and our policies therein are subject to our discretion. As such, we may require screenshots of errors received, or other proofs. We will make every attempt to ensure the product is up to your standards as well as ours before we issue a refund.

Documentation Templates & Documentation Toolkits

Due to the nature of our documentation templates & documentation toolkits, we do not offer any refunds once the order has been placed and your template has been delivered under any circumstances. Because we only sell digital goods, these products are irretrievable after they have been delivered. You may preview our templates before purchase to ensure it is exactly what you are looking for. By purchasing our documentation templates or documentation toolkits, you understand and agree to the terms outlined herein. However, there are circumstances that would allow us to offer you a refund for your purchased template within a period of 90 days after the purchase, and they are as follows: (1) the product was not delivered to you, or (2) you were unable to download the file we provided, or you are unable to save or open the template.

All decisions on refunds and our policies therein are subject to our discretion. As such, we may require screenshots of errors received, or other proofs. We will make every attempt to ensure the product is up to your standards as well as ours before we issue a refund.

Subscription-Based Products

Except when required by law, paid Subscription fees are non-refundable.

NOTE: You may request a refund and immediate termination of your subscription in the case of fraudulent or unauthorized usage of your credit card. If this is the case, notify us immediately using the customer support form.


These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia and European Union, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. In the case of a dispute, it shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Croatian courts.

Our failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between us regarding our Websites and supersede and replace any prior agreements we might have between us regarding the Websites.