April 13, 2016
It is widely known that ISO 45001:2018 is the standard that provides guidance and methodologies to ensure companies can maintain occupational health and safety in the workplace. It is not uncommon even for companies with an excellent OH&S (occupational health and safety) system to pay less attention to delivering the same level of information, training, and care to contractors and external providers than they do to their own employees. Given that contractors may be on-site less frequently than employees, and consequently, that time must be a factor, then it is hardly surprising that this may be the case. It is also wrong. Health and safety are equally important to both employees and contractors, and considerations around the organization’s OH&S system must be to protect the welfare of employees and contractors alike. So, given the difficulties we may face regarding contractors, is there any advice we can use to ensure our contractors and external providers are equally as protected as our employees?
In the previous article: How to demonstrate leadership according to ISO/DIS 45001, we looked at how the standard leaves us in no doubt regarding top management’s responsibility for ensuring that resources are in place within the OH&S system to make sure the objectives are met. Clause, which is part of operational control, specifically mentions control in terms of contractors to the workplace. Consequently, top management must delegate responsibilities to ensure the objectives are also met. In the article: How to meet participation and consultation requirements in ISO 45001, we also examined how the input, feedback, and consultation with contractors and external providers are just as important and valuable when identifying risk as the same information from current employees. If you combine that with the information in How to comply with ISO 45001 communication requirements, then you can develop a full picture of how the consultation, participation, and communication processes all merge together to develop a cycle within the OH&S system where all stakeholders are consulted, information collated and actioned, and everyone protected. Obviously, your organization needs to keep tabs on whether contractors are following OH&S rules onsite, such as protective clothing and headwear rules, but what other special actions can you take to ensure your OH&S protects everyone?
So, is there anything else we need to consider?
As indicated above, it is vital that your contractors are involved in participation and consultation, communicated to and solicited for feedback. Encourage your contractors to be active in the establishment and maintenance of your OH&S standards, and make them play a part in the system’s continual improvement. Involve contractors in the review of their personal training records to ensure they are accurate, up to date, and relevant. Include these review results in your monthly forums or meetings, and drive continual improvement via the information you receive. Treat your contractors’ health and safety the same as that of your employees, and value their opinions and feedback similarly – the benefit will be seen by everyone.
To learn more about contractors’ and other requirements of ISO 45001, download this free Clause-by-clause explanation of ISO 45001:2018 .