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ISO enabled free access to ISO 31000, ISO 22301, and other business continuity standards

In response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has provided free access to some of its key standards supporting business continuity management, resilience, and risk management.

The standards are available in read-only format, and you can find the links here:

  • ISO 22301:2019 Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems –Requirements
  • ISO 22395:2018 Security and resilience – Community resilience – Guidelines for supporting vulnerable persons in an emergency
  • ISO 22320:2018 Security and resilience – Emergency management – Guidelines for incident management
  • ISO 22316:2017 Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes
  • ISO 31000:2018 Risk management – Guidelines

ISO 31000 and ISO 22301 available now for free download

To learn which documents are needed to develop a Business Continuity Management System, download this free white paper: Checklist of ISO 22301:2019 mandatory documentation.